Considerations while designing a public restroom
- 13 May 2022

The washroom is always overlooked while developing your property, which is a typical concern in most construction plans. We keep every other aspect of our property as modern and progressive as possible, but when it comes to the restrooms, we adhere to the basics. It’s also worth noting that having a smarter, more advanced washroom improves the general appeal of your property by making it much more user-friendly.
Here are a few tips on how to smarten your restroom facility.
One thing we’ve learned over time is that the fewer hands in the washroom, the more sanitary it is. We can considerably restrict the transmission of germs in the restroom while preserving its cleanliness because the number of interactions is limited. To even further this cause, it is necessary to upgrade your public restrooms with more advanced facilities.
Technocrats Hygiene can provide you with the following facilities to help you modernize your washroom and make it more user-friendly.
- Installing Hand Dryers in the washroom is far more convenient than using napkins since it reduces the amount of physical contact in the restroom, boosting hygiene.
- Sensor-based Taps and Sensor-based Urinal Flushers, on the other hand, go a long way toward increasing the overall appeal of the restroom because they are far more tech-savvy than traditional taps and urinal flushers.
- Soap dispensers should be provided in every washroom. It helps in avoiding unnecessary physical touch, considerably reducing the spread of germs, and simultaneously giving your restroom a lot more modern look by installing soap dispensers.
- Sanitary Napkin Vending Machines should also be installed for the convenience of women since we never know when they will find themselves in an unfavorable position. It is also critical to install Sanitary Napkin Incinerators to facilitate the disposal of sanitary items.
By having these tips in mind and considering them, we guarantee that your washroom will be significantly improved over what it was previously.
Contact Technocrats Hygiene if you have any specific queries, as we are eager to help you in any way we can.