Considerations while designing a public restroom
- 15 April 2022

Access to restrooms is a basic human need, and as such, it should be provided in every situation, including the workplace. When it comes to fundamental quality and safety regulations, there are workplace restrooms that fail to meet. As a result, the discomfort produced by poor standards has an impact on staff morale, compromising their work ethics.
It is critical to maintaining a clean work environment, particularly restroom facilities since it reduces the spread of infections and germs, which can grow in the workplace and impact performance and sometimes even attendance. In reality, this can assist in maintaining utility goals.
Inadequate workplace restroom facilities can have a negative impact on employee morale since they convey the perception that the administration is negligent about something as basic as sanitation and disinfection.
At Technocrats Hygiene we can provide you with the following amenities to make your workplace washroom more employee-friendly.
· Hand Dryers in the washroom are far more beneficial than napkins since they limit the amount of physical contact in the restroom, hence reducing the spread of germs and enhancing the cleanliness of the facility.
· Similarly, installing Sensor-based Taps and Sensor-based Urinal Flushers reduces the transmission of infection by eliminating the need to manually operate them while also improving the appearance of the washroom.
· Installing Soap Dispensers in each restroom, rather than a basic bar of soap that will come into direct contact with multiple people, is a much more sanitary approach to effectively sanitize our hands.
· We must also consider the demands of our female employees. It is critical to implement Sanitary Napkin Vending Machines for the convenience of our female employees, as we never know when they will require one. Furthermore, the development of Sanitary Napkin Incinerators for the simple disposal of sanitary products is essential.
Thus, by considering these few points, you can considerably improve your workplace washroom facilities, making them more comfortable for your employees and thus boosting their morale, which will promote productivity.
If you’d like to learn more about how we can assist you in creating the best bathrooms for your business, contact Technocrats Hygiene today!